Monday, September 1, 2014

A Little About Me...

Begin Again is one of my all time favorite movies. A person's love for music carries them away from the overproduced music industry to the stripped down core of the writer's own voice. It is rare to find a film that intertwines a musical score without its plot turning into a mass production of show tunes. Begin Again does this flawlessly. To me, the movie wasn't about a singer recording an outdoor album (although the idea of an outdoor recording studio is amazing), but instead a writer using an audial representation of their work to showcase their life. Cinematically, the film captures New York City with all of its urban chaos and makes it beautiful. I left the theater wanting to become a songwriter, even though I possess little of the musicality to become one. When a movie inspires me like that, I know something has been done right. 

I love to travel! A couple of summers ago I went to Europe, and my favorite part of the whole trip was finding little areas of the city that people normally pass over. I find that these glanced over spots are often the most beautiful because they are so untouched. Not untouched in the sense that no one has ever seen them before, but untouched in that they are not overridden by the tourists, but instead by the people who live there. It's almost like seeing the city in the eyes of those who live it everyday. What I love about the picture above is the possibility. It seems so easy to just hop on the bike and explore Italy!

Reading is one of my favorite pass times. As I was looking up pictures which would accurately describe my love of reading, I came across this book shop in Washington D.C. where inside is floor to ceiling stacks of books. It would be so fun to explore the shop one day and just see what you could find. I think that describes why I love to read too. Opening the cover of a book is the possibility of finding anything. One of the first books I fell in love with was Little Women. My mom read it aloud to my sister and I, and she would repeat the line, "I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship" (Louisa May Alcott). Even though I didn't recognize it at the time, it was my first experience of seeing a book resonate with someone and books have with me ever since. 

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